Welcome to our days of laughter, learning & fun!

Hey Mom! It's not snowing, sleeting or windy! AND it's above 20 degrees! Woo Hoo!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

And.....we're off!  To a great start for the rest of the school year.  We hope you all had a wonderful holiday break and that the time was well spent with loved ones.  Our Christmas parties were awesome and I think the children were really surprised when Santa showed up!  He got lost in the snow storm the Wednesday before our Fish party and thought he would stop in and say "Hi".  It was wonderful to see their smiling faces.  We also hope that the Reindeer Feed was sprinkled at your house on Christmas Eve....it was at Ms. Shelly's house!  

On the Frog Snack Calendar for January you will notice "Cooking Day" on a couple of Friday's.  This is a snack that has specific directions and ingredients that are easy to put together for the children.  The snack will go with the theme we are talking about or season we are in at that particular time.  When I am making up the snack calendar I will rotate who will bring the ingredients for that snack and staple the "recipe" to the snack calendar if it happens to be you that month.  I will probably make a couple of notes on the recipe and if you have questions please ask.  This will be so fun for the kid's and they love to "cook"!  They will be learning fine motor skills, following a sequence of directions, and pictorial directions.  

If you were wondering what the pictures hanging in the entry way were I will tell you....it's kind of a funny story.  I wanted to introduce the children to some famous artists and our dramatic play area will be turning into an art studio in the near future.  So I was going through one of my early childhood art books that discuss' this very topic.  I came to school the next morning and had one of my many "OOOHHH!" moments (ask Sheila how many of those I have) and I said, "We are going to have the kid's do their very own Starry Night by Van Gogh!"  And Sheila said, "Yeah, but lets call it "A Snowy Day"!  So I printed off the picture and showed the kid's what the original Starry Night looked like and voila! Art was created!  We will be doing a replica of Jackson Pollack, Georgia O'Keefe and Monet this year also.  I am looking for a few beret hats too if anyone would like to donate. :)

Thanks for your continued support of our program and have a safe January!

Fish class making fish bowls for "One Fish, Two Fish. Red Fish, Blue Fish"