Welcome to our days of laughter, learning & fun!

Hey Mom! It's not snowing, sleeting or windy! AND it's above 20 degrees! Woo Hoo!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Up coming dates:

Hello!  We are on the downward stretch of school and there is going to be alot going on between now and May 20th.  So here's the scoop!
8th- Frog class will be taking a field trip to Greenwood Nursery and Food Pride.  We will be learning about the cycle of food and plants.
12th- Open House and Preregistration @ 6-8 pm.  Lots of fun for everyone.
22nd-25th- No school for Easter Break.  Have a restful weekend!

6th- Frog Field trip to Brookings.  Leaving here as close to 8:30 am as possible and be back by 2:30.  Please bring a lunch.  Cost for adults will be $6.00.  Wee World is paying for the children's entrance fee.
12th-Fish Muffins for Moms.  Please plan on attending this really fun morning with your child. Begin @ 10:00 am
13th- Frog Muffins for Moms.  This will begin @ 10:00 and end around 12:00.  It will be a half day for the kids so they will be dismissed with you.  We will be putting together their end of the year Memory Books so bring your scrapping talents!
19th- Last day for the Fish
20th-Frogs Preschool Graduation and last day.  It will begin @ 7:00pm in the church Santuary.  All Frogs need to be here by 6:30. More details will come as it gets closer.

Local schools Kindergarten Roundup dates:
Milroy- Monday April 11th @ 6:30 pm.  Please call them for more information if needed. #507-336-2563.  Supt. Bill Delaney

Tracy- They will be doing things differently this year, but the dates that I have are May 19th and 20th during the day. For more information call #629-5518.  Tracy Olsen Principal.

St. Mary's will be the 20th of April @ 12:45 with Mass @ 2:00. For information about this call #629-3270.

If you need help with anything or other information please don't hesitate to ask.  I do know that the kindergarten teachers prefer to have Roundup be an event for you and your Kindergarten child. 

Have a great week!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Open House Update!

Hello Parents,

The Wee World Board of Directors has finished the process of hiring a new Director and Lead Teacher for the 2011/2012 school year. We are pleased to announce that Kaitlyn Lubben has accepted the offer and will be teaching the children of Wee World for years to come.

We have asked Kaitlyn to be available for our Open House and Preregistration event. Due to a scheduling conflict we have had to change that evening to Tuesday April 12th instead of Thursday April 14th. She will be there the night of the 12th to answer questions, meet families and get to know our Wee World family. We are very excited for the colorful ideas and fresh attitude she will bring to the preschool.

Our Open House and Preregistration is always a fun event! We will be having popcorn, games, balloons and lots of artwork from the children to show off. See you then!


Shelly and Sheila

Friday, February 18, 2011

Spring FEVER!

Guess what? We can use our RED DOOR on Tuesday the 22nd!!! Yay!!!!

I bet you can tell from the new blog background that I have spring fever? I think we all could use a good dose of Vitamin D from the sun and just sit in it for a while. These last few days have spoiled us I'm afraid and we are going to have a hard time staying inside if winter is much longer.

Anyway, I am making up the newsletter for March and wanted to let you all in on a little goal that the Frog class has made with me and I am going to make somewhat of the same deal with the Fish class.

The goal with the Frog's is to have ALL students zipping their own coats, tieing their own shoes and snapping their own snaps by the end of March! For the Fish class we need to have them zipping and snapping their own items of clothing. If both classes do this, we will have either a Sundae party or a Pizza party...my treat! We have been working really hard all year to help these fine motor skills come along. We know you work with them at home and I'm hoping this will give the kid's a little incentive to practice on thier own. For tieing shoes I would like to ask if the kid's could borrow a big sneaker or boot with laces and for you to show them how to get it started. We have shown them how to make the X with the laces and roll the top under, the loops are the hardest part. So any extra help you send their way to progress this goal would be appreciated.

Coming up in March is our Cookie Dough fundraiser,(which is always a huge sucess), our Buggy For Books reading incentive program that runs into the middle of April and....playing outside hopefully! Be looking for information about these things in the weeks to come.

One more sidenote: We are still accepting Campbell's Labels for Education. All of the participating items are on the sheet in your child's BEE folder. Also, if you have ever wondered what our Fish Bowl is at the sign in desk, it is our "Fishing for Donations" bowl. In there are fish that have an item written on them that our preschool is always in need of. If you have ever thought about donating something and aren't quite sure what to get, grab a fish from the bowl! We appreciate all the help we can get!

Thank you so much for all your support and have a wonderful long weekend! See you on the 22nd!


Thursday, February 3, 2011

February Fun!

A fun afternoon of gross motor activity!
Let's all click our heels three times and repeat after me;...spring come soon, spring come soon, spring come soon!  

I am amazed at how well the children adapted this last month to our crazy schedule.  Believe or not, there was learning going on at Wee World.  With all of the late starts and early outs, then our first week of February not having school, we actually made some good progress on our last names!  As of right now, there aren't any Frogs that don't recognized their last name!!!  That is awesome.  Name recognition is so huge for children this age.  And when they can spell it, it gives them such a sense of pride and ownership.  How many times before your child entered preschool did they ask you how to spell their name?  Quite a few I imagine.  Everyday we have white boards and dry erase markers out for them to use and a sentence card with their last name printed on it.  We use it as one of our centers.  They are free to choose that center and sit and write words they know ( we are up to 7 now) or their names.  All of them can now write their first name.  The Fish class is working hard on their first names too!  

We have had a couple of wonderful days that we were able to go out and play too.  It was so nice to get some fresh air and soak up the Vitamin D from the sun.  We will be doing this from now on when the temps are 20* or above and we don't have a wind chill, so please make sure to send winter gear with your child.  

Jacob and his grandma last year
Our upcoming Valentine party is going to be fun!  We will be passing out Valentines in the classes on the day of the parties.  Please send an empty cereal box with your child as soon as you can.  These will be our Valentine boxes.  They are so cute!  There is an updated class list that we will send home at the beginning of next week so you can fill out Valentines.  We have lost a week of February so we are down to the wire on our party.  Also, let us know how many special visitors will be coming to spend the morning with your child on the 14th and 15th.  We just need a count for the craft they will be putting together.  
Cereal box Valentine boxes!

If you need receipts for a flex plan for taxes, let us know and we will send one home in your child's zipper pouch in the folder.  

Have a super February!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

And.....we're off!  To a great start for the rest of the school year.  We hope you all had a wonderful holiday break and that the time was well spent with loved ones.  Our Christmas parties were awesome and I think the children were really surprised when Santa showed up!  He got lost in the snow storm the Wednesday before our Fish party and thought he would stop in and say "Hi".  It was wonderful to see their smiling faces.  We also hope that the Reindeer Feed was sprinkled at your house on Christmas Eve....it was at Ms. Shelly's house!  

On the Frog Snack Calendar for January you will notice "Cooking Day" on a couple of Friday's.  This is a snack that has specific directions and ingredients that are easy to put together for the children.  The snack will go with the theme we are talking about or season we are in at that particular time.  When I am making up the snack calendar I will rotate who will bring the ingredients for that snack and staple the "recipe" to the snack calendar if it happens to be you that month.  I will probably make a couple of notes on the recipe and if you have questions please ask.  This will be so fun for the kid's and they love to "cook"!  They will be learning fine motor skills, following a sequence of directions, and pictorial directions.  

If you were wondering what the pictures hanging in the entry way were I will tell you....it's kind of a funny story.  I wanted to introduce the children to some famous artists and our dramatic play area will be turning into an art studio in the near future.  So I was going through one of my early childhood art books that discuss' this very topic.  I came to school the next morning and had one of my many "OOOHHH!" moments (ask Sheila how many of those I have) and I said, "We are going to have the kid's do their very own Starry Night by Van Gogh!"  And Sheila said, "Yeah, but lets call it "A Snowy Day"!  So I printed off the picture and showed the kid's what the original Starry Night looked like and voila! Art was created!  We will be doing a replica of Jackson Pollack, Georgia O'Keefe and Monet this year also.  I am looking for a few beret hats too if anyone would like to donate. :)

Thanks for your continued support of our program and have a safe January!

Fish class making fish bowls for "One Fish, Two Fish. Red Fish, Blue Fish"