This has been a month of fun! From our first field trip with the Frogs to our first art projects and walk with the Fish. We have seen such growth and change in both of the classes it is amazing! You all have such wonderful children and should be so proud.
This last week we have done some beautiful art and worked on our alphabet letters. We have also finished up our Apple and Back to School units and will be starting our Safety and Fall/Pumpkin units. The whole month of October is busy and we have many things jam packed in it. Next week will be our safety week. We will start having fire drills this next month also. The state requires that we have 1 drill a month. Our "Safe Zone" for our school will be across the street. Ask your children next week about our drill and talk to them about your home and where your Safe Zone should be. We will be taking our field trips to the Fire hall next Wednesday and Thursday. This is always a fun trip and the firemen do a fabulous job of explaining to the children the need to be safe. We will also talk about water safety, and home safety.
By now you are probably hearing some songs we sing at school. Mainly our Thank You song. This is a song we sing daily in sign language before we eat snack. Our snack helper helps set up snack, then we seat the children and ask them to keep their hands in their laps until everyone is sitting down together. We then lead the children in the Thank You song. One of the lesson's this teaches the children is to be considerate of the other children and also to be grateful. Often times we hear "I want a white one" or "I don't like that." We understand if someone has a real dislike for chocolate or can't eat a specific food, but sometimes we have to say "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit" or "Take a bite to be polite". Children understand when someone says they don't like the snack they have brought to school and feelings can be hurt. I make rhymes often so they can remember rules and by December other children will remind another..."You get what you get and you don't throw a fit." Being grateful for things we have is a learned thing that too often children go with out learning. Sheila and I work hard to talk to them about treating our toys, pencils and all of the friends at Wee World with respect.
Our "Scoop on Reading" ice cream cone grew this week with the addition of all the book titles we have read in a month! It is awesome! I love to see just how much literacy time we spend during the month when we add our scoops to the wall. My goal every year is to have it go out into the hall way. Also in our classroom, Corny the Caterpillar grew! He is our alphabet caterpillar and he grows each month with the new letters we are learning.
Remember to check out the tabs for the newsletter, snack calendars, and lunch menu's for the month. October's newsletter will be the last hard copy I send out. We have a big group and to save on paper, I will add it to the blog monthly. It will always be out on the first. Snack calendars and lunch menu's will come home also unless you would like to print them off of the blog. Sorry if there was confusion about he first extended day of preschool for the Frog class. I just thought it would be less confusing having it start on a Monday rather than a Friday. The blog will be updated weekly and monthly with all the new items under the appropriate tabs for you to download and print off. You can sign up to get notifications on the right side under Followers. Every time it is updated you will get a notification in you e-mail.
Have a great weekend and enjoy our beautiful fall weather.