Next week will be a busy one as we start on our alphabet letters and a field trip at the end of the week for the Frogs. I have sent home permission slips and driver slips. If you can help drive, we need one more! Please send the $4.00 by Wednesday for that fun trip. We will start out our week by taste testing different apple items and graphing which ones we like the best. We will make apple prints and find out just what is inside of an apple.
Fish and Frogs will be getting pictures taken on the 21st and 22nd. You may send your photo envelope that we sent home back the day of pictures or earlier if you would like. Being Mom's ourselves, Sheila and I are always on the look out for the stray hair standing up or a barrette falling out before pictures. We try and make sure your little ones are smiling big and bright. Nothing is sweeter than preschool pictures.
Menus for our lunch program will also go out next week. Watch for more information on the blog about that and your options if you choose to send home lunch.
I have to say I am soo excited for this year! Our two classes have wonderful personalities and are full of great children. Thanks for trusting us to educate your children and spend their preschool years at Wee World. Have a great weekend.